Cook's Pest ControlCommercial Services

Pest Control Services

The Cook's Difference

Cook’s provides its professionals with the finest ongoing training in the industry. And our expertise is matched by our integrity.

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PPS Max {Quarterly Service)

Year-Round Protection from Pests!

Our Maximum Perimeter Protection System (PPS MAX) protects your home from the most common household pests: ants*, roaches, silverfish, crickets, nesting wasps, earwigs, fleas and ticks*, spiders*, mice, rats, centipedes, millipedes, pill bugs and sow bugs.

Initial PPS MAX service includes a thorough treatment of both the interior and exterior of your home. Ongoing quarterly treatments focus on the exterior, where most pest infestations originate.

*See Agreement for terms and conditions. Brown recluse spiders, fire ants, bed bugs, and fleas and ticks require alternate specialized treatments which are not part of the PPS Max service.

Initial Interior

  1. Perform a strategic crack and crevice service with effective residual materials.
  2. Treat for spiders* indoors, remove spider webs outdoors, and apply a residual product.
  3. Install and inspect zone monitors near exterior doors, fireplaces, laundry rooms and bathrooms.
  4. Use products proven to be effective in accessible attics.

In the event you discover a pest problem inside your home, we will service the interior until the issue is resolved.

Initial Exterior

  1. Install and maintain exterior ant* control bait stations around the perimeter of your home.
  2. Remove spider webs and apply a residual product to help prevent spiders* from returning.
  3. Treat cracks, crevices, and voids around your home with products specifically formulated to provide long-lasting control.
  4. Surround your home with a defense zone composed of residual products to create and maintain a barrier against pests. When raining, apply advanced residual products that are specifically formulated to work well in wet weather.
  5. Install and inspect zone monitors inside the garage and around basement doors.

Our Proven 4 Step Process


We identify conditions that encourage infestations and recommend a control program.

Interior Treatment

In our initial visit, we treat cracks, crevices, and voides in the hom to eliminate pest problems at their source.

Perimeter Protection

We seal, caulk, and correct outside areas to block pests from gaining entry. We then establish a protective barrier around your hom using exterior baits, granules, and other scientifically-proven products.

Monitoring & Prevention

As the seasons change, your home becomes more appealing to a variety of insects, spiders, and rodects. Your Cook's professional consistently monitors your home's protective barrier to make sure pests can't get in.

Seasonal Pest Focus



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Frequently Asked Questions

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We serve only the Southeast, so we’re experts at controlling pests that dwell in your area.

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