Cook's Pest ControlCommercial Services

Paper Wasps: Mean to You

Published In: Identification, Uncategorized

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Monarch Migration

Published In: Identification, Uncategorized

When we think of migrating animals, we often think of ducks and other birds that fly to places with warmer weather. However, birds are not the only animals that migrate; monarch butterflies also have unique migrating behavior. Each fall, North American monarchs will migrate almost 3,000 miles from their summer breeding grounds. There is a […]

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Yellowjackets: Nature’s Premier Party Crashers

Published In: Identification

I am sure that everyone is familiar with the concept of crashing a party. It is a term coined from showing up to an event uninvited to partake in the festivities and on occasion, wreak havoc. So, with the weather cooling off and football season ramping up, we will be spending more time outdoors grilling […]

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The Relationship Between Aphids, Ants, and Natural Enemies

Published In: Identification

Have you walked by a garden or flowerbed recently and wondered why some plants have a sheen on them when it hasn’t rained recently? That sheen is actually a sugary substance called “honeydew” that is secreted from aphids. Aphids (Family: Aphididae) are soft-bodied insects that use their piercing sucking mouthparts to feed on plant sap. […]

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Armadillos, Opossums, and Skunks

Published In: Identification

Armadillos The nine-banded armadillo is a strange little mammal covered in bony, dermal plates. They have poor eyesight but a well-developed sense of smell and hearing. They are carnivores that specialize on worms and insects. Their foraging behavior leaves behind unsightly holes, much to the dismay of homeowners and landscapers. While mostly an aesthetic concern, […]

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Pest Profile: Carpenter Ants

Published In: Identification

Not everything that lives in wood is a termite, and not everything that bores through wood is eating the wood. Consider the carpenter ant. There are many species of carpenter ants, but the most common house-infesting species is the black carpenter ant. It is uniformly black with yellowish hairs on the abdomen. Carpenter ants are […]

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