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Monarch Migration

Published In: Miscellaneous

When we think of migrating animals, we often think of ducks and other birds that fly to places with warmer weather. However, birds are not the only animals that migrate; monarch butterflies also have unique migrating behavior. Each fall, North American monarchs will migrate almost 3,000 miles from their summer breeding grounds. There is a […]

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Camouflage Insects: Now You See Me, Now You Don’t

Published In: Miscellaneous

Camouflage is very common in the animal kingdom. There are many different animals that may come to mind: chameleons, some fish, and especially insects. There are many different types of insects that demonstrate forms of camouflage. Why though? If you think about living as a small, defenseless insect, then camouflage would be vital to your […]

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Ants, Aphids and Elephants, Oh My!

Published In: Miscellaneous

You probably saw this title and thought to yourself, “Has Kristen lost her mind? What do ants, aphids, and elephants have in common? And why is an entomologist talking about a pachyderm, because elephants are certainly not insects.” This is a subject close to my heart and is rather interesting, so humor me for a […]

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Mosquitoes in Winter

Published In: Miscellaneous

What happens to those pesky mosquitoes in the winter? They hibernate, or overwinter, although it depends on the species how they overwinter. Some mosquitoes spend the winter months as adults, others as larvae or pupae, and others still as eggs. Overwintering is a type of dormancy, so any overwintering adult mosquitoes are not out biting […]

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Subterranean Termites in Winter

Published In: Miscellaneous

Have you ever wondered what happens to termites in the winter? If you’ve never wondered, are you wondering now? The answer to this question is less than exciting but not reassuring to a homeowner: they don’t go anywhere! During the winter months, insects seem to vanish from sight, only to magically reappear when the weather […]

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Overwintering Pests

Published In: Miscellaneous

Kristen Stevens, BCE (Stink Bugs, Kudzu Bugs, and Lady Bugs) As winter approaches, we don’t often think of insects; we think more of holiday treats and cold weather eliminating our not-so-welcome house guests. However, that notion is false. Well, at least the part about pests – those holiday treats should be thoroughly enjoyed! There are […]

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Sleep Tight, Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite

Published In: Miscellaneous

In my work I travel quite a bit and stay in hotels all across the South. My biggest fear, however, is not being away from home or sleeping in the dark: it’s taking home bed bugs. Bed bugs have not been a problem for quite some time, but in recent years populations have exploded. So […]

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The Oldest Unwanted House Guest

Published In: Miscellaneous

Holidays and celebrations can be fun and joyous. On many of these occasions, our house is full of people and their pets, delicious food covers the tables, and, all of a sudden, my pants feel just a bit tighter. Sometimes, after the merriment dies down, the company of all those house guests that we thought […]

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An Insect All-Star Team

Published In: Miscellaneous

The coming of fall in the South can mean many things, but above all is football season. I hope that your favorite team is exceeding your expectations and is on track for making a bowl game. So, with football being such an integral aspect of southern living, I figured why not attempt to tie football […]

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Summer of the Millipede

Published In: Miscellaneous

With the heat of summer (and the drought that comes with it) to soon be upon us, several pests will begin to seek moisture and shelter from the elements. One such pest that could begin plaguing your home will be the millipede. Millipedes (Class: Diplopoda) can come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but […]

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Pests That Eat Other Pests

Published In: Miscellaneous

Since we work in pest control, it’s easy to enter the frame of mind that all pests are bad or the world would be better off without certain pest species in it. It’s important to remember what pests are though. The term ‘pest’ is just an artificial name we give to insects that are disrupting […]

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Lovebugs: A Science Experiment Gone Wrong?

Published In: Miscellaneous

What happens when scientists genetically engineer a fly and a mosquito in attempts to create an enemy for mosquito larva?? Not sure but it definitely doesn’t create lovebugs. Oddly enough, this has been a widely-held myth for decades. The myth suggested that University of Florida entomologists introduced this species into the Southeast due to a […]

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Tips to Avoid Mosquito-Borne Illnesses

Published In: Miscellaneous

With winter is in full swing, what better time could there be to take a vacation or cruise to a tropical destination? While the sun and sand may be therapeutic, a vector-borne disease most certainly will not be. Several mosquito-borne illnesses can be medically important to travelers. For good measure, it would be wise to […]

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